Choosing the right hair color for your skin type
Do you struggle with your hair color? Wondering why it is making your face and skin feel washed out or pale, maybe even a little orange? There is a reason, and we are going to talk about it right now. There are three different skin undertones that determine what colors you look best with and what may not look the greatest for you. They are warm, cool and combination skin types. We are going to discuss what they are, how you can tell which you have and how to choose the best hair for you. Lets dive right in.
The Three Undertone types
If you have warm undertones you are going to want to stay with the warmer colors, such as coppers, reds, browns, caramel and gold. How do you know if you are warm? You are going to look at the underside of your wrist and see if they look green. Green and Red are opposite each other on the color wheel so they will cancel each other and create a neutral tone. Same idea with your skin type, if your veins are green, choosing warmer colors will create a neutral color pallet that gives balance between the colors.
If you have cool undertones, you will want to stay with the cooler colors. Such as Purple, blue black, and green (ash). This does not mean that you have to go get purple or green hair but you would pick a color that has these undertones to highlight your skin tone. If you are wanting platinum and you have cool undertones you will want to lean towards a toner with a purple undertone so that it leans more cool. If you want to be platinum and you have warm undertones then you will want a more golden blonde to highlight your skin tone.
If you have combination undertones, then congratulations, you are one of the lucky ones that can pull off any color you desire. Your skin tones can be highlighted by any color on the color wheel. If you want to know how to tell whether you have combination then your veins will be both green and blue. Now this does not mean that you should have certain colors, you can also take into consideration what highlights your personality the best as well. I know that colors can be a little over whelming at times and you don’t always know what you want. This is why stylist you trust can come in handy because we are great at determining all the factors that go into choosing the right color and we can narrow it down with you to figure out the right one.
There is no right or wrong answer to this question. If you are struggling then think of this, what color do you wear the most. What does your closet mostly consist of, are there a lot of black, white, orange, red, blue clothing items. If your closet is filled with a lot of neutrals tones then we can land on finding something a little more natural in your color wheel. If your closet is full of color then you are more likely to be a little more bold and daring and might want to try some fun and bright colors in your color wheel. This is all based off so many different factors and not one size fits all. It can just be what makes us feel beautiful in the time of life we are in. Maybe you want something that is completely different from what you normally try because you are redefining who you are on the inside.
I believe that how we feel on the inside is a reflection of how we look on the 0utside. If you are feeling crummy, your appearance may reflect that by what you are wearing or the lack of effort you out in to getting yourself together in the morning. Maybe you look amazing but your attitude makes you less desirable to be around. You might feel amazing on the inside, your heart is in a good place so even if you aren’t totally put together, your kindness and smiles beam off you like a light that people want to be around.
One of the most beautiful girls I have ever met is not to the worlds standards of being beautiful. She is a little over weight and she does not do anything with her hair or makeup. Her clothes are pretty plain and others might not ever wear some of the things she chooses. I will tell you right now every time I think of beautiful she pops into my head, why? Because she has the kindest heart of anyone I have ever met, and that to me and many others, is more precious than gold.
The bible tells us that in 1Peter 3: 3-4
“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Gods sight. ”
I know some people will look at this a think, okay so I cant get my hair or nails done or wear jewelry and cute clothes? No that is not what this is saying. It is saying that you don’t need all those things to be beautiful, you only need to set your eyes on Jesus and your heart will be so full of love and joy and peace that your cup will be overflowing. When our cup is overflowing with the love that Jesus gives then the thing that will happen is that love, joy, peace and kindness will have no where else to go but to pour into others. This is what beauty truly is, the ability to love and spread kindness. I have met beautiful woman that match the worlds standards of beauty and I have seen the hatred and anger towards others pour out of their hearts. I am gonna tell you, I would rather be kind and not beautiful to the worlds standards, then beautiful to everyone and full of hatred and anger.
I would challenge you to ask God to reveal what makes you beautiful? We are all beautifully and wonderfully made and if you are struggling with how you look on the outside, then turn your sites inward and ask yourself how is your heart. I am telling you now that God made you the way you are for a reason, and if you start looking at yourself the way that God looks at you then you will start to gain a whole new perspective of how beautiful you truly are in the eyes of God. It does not matter what anyone else thinks of you.