Why wont my hair grow?

Have you struggled with your hair not growing past a certain point? Trust me I know that can be frustrating, it’s happened to me as well. Lets shed some light on the situation. There are a few things going on when it comes to hair sitting at a stand still and not giving you the length you want. To name a few we have damage, products, heat and genetics. Lets discuss that further.


So you would think this one would be obvious to most people but not everyone realizes that their hair is breaking as badly as it is. You should be getting your haircut as often as once a month for those of us, like me, who bleach their hair regularly. For others you can get a way with going a couple months because you aren’t constantly coloring your hair, your hair maintains it health a little longer than others. Why is it important that we trim our hair often. Each hair on our head has a 5 year life span and then it sheds itself, more on that later, so by trimming the split ends off you are giving your hair its best chance at giving you the length you desire.


I cant stress this enough, the products we are using do make a difference in our hair. When I went to college they told us all the things we need to know about why product is important for our hair. Me being a sceptic and never believing what people tell me without applying it myself, kept using product I bought from Walmart. I decided to do an experiment one day and put this theory to the test. I switched up to a salon grade product and I immediately felt a difference. It was night and day, my hair seemed to get longer and longer that year because I minimized the amount of damage that I was getting from the damage caused by the less than product.

The products you see that have sulfates in them are very drying to our hair, this is the stuff they put into cleaning products and the only reason they put it into our shampoos is to create the lather effect you get. We do not need our shampoos to do this for us, in fact the less they lather, the more likely they are good for your hair. We need to get used to them not doing that for us, because it is more harmful than helpful half the time.


This is no secret, we all know that heat causes damage to our hair and we are left with split ends. As someone who puts heat on their hair every single day, I have to make sure that I am using a heat protectant or my hair is not going to have any length to it at all. I can recommend a great product or if you are stopping by this blog and already have a great stylist then you can ask them for a great recommendation.


A reason not many people know about is GENETICS. That’s right I was reading a study done by Dr. James C. Morotta, and he goes on to talk about how your hair reaches a certain point and stops to rest at around 5 years, and even sooner than that if you are past the age of 45 years old. It will reach a point and rest, and eventually that strand will fall out. That is why it is important to keep that hair trimmed so that you can get the most amount of growth within the time it will eventually shed.


Honestly there are so many reasons why your hair could not be growing at the rate you want. This post could go on forever,… In order to keep it short though just schedule an appointment with your stylist and keep that hair as healthy and happy as humanly possible. keep it trimmed and consult a hairstylist who can help you find the products you need to provide the ultimate health for your beautiful hair.



Hair tip of the day

Something simple you can do to get quicker growth with your hair is running to your local drug store and grabbing some Biotin Vitamins. This gives the body what it needs to increase hair growth.


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